RaiseVolume Guidelines

  • No Donations or Charitable Solicitations. Includes charities and non-profit organizations without a valid 501(c)(3) tax exempt status, charitable solicitations, commercial fundraiser (including commercial co-venturers), or any activity associated with the solicitation of donations.
  • No prohibited items or subject matter. No contests, raffles, drugs, pornography, or co-ventures. We have included a detailed list below:

Prohibited Projects:

Alcohol – in any form

Adult Oriented Material – the Internet has enough already

Collections Businesses – uncollectible debt, A/R receivable financing

Contests – Anything that involves prizes for winners

Coupons or Discounts – you cannot sell either on our site as a standalone item

Cash Equivalent Instruments – money orders, stored value products

Credit Services – credit counseling, repair, protection and identity theft

Donations or Charitable Solicitations – 501(c)3, non-profit, tax-exempt

Drugs – drugs, drug paraphenalia, anything your parents object to

Money Service Businesses – Offshore banking, check cashing services

Weapons – firearms, knives, nunchucks, shurikens, etc..

Gambling Businesses – poker, lotteries, games of chance

Healthcare Discount Programs – including membership programs

Illegal, Inappropriate, or Offensive Items/Activities – violates laws, angers citizens

Marketing Businesses – multi-level marketing, telemarketing, up-sell, infomercial merchants

Miracle Cure Products – anything offering guaranteed results other than spinach

Get Rich Quick Schemes – anything involving “prizes” or promises of guaranteed results

Phone Sevices – 800 or 900 phone number, text services, prepaid phone cards

Real Estate – specifically the sale of land, buildings or real estate

Regulated Activities – bail bonds, security brokers, bankruptcy attorneys, etc..

Tobacco Products – includes cigars, cigarettes – all tobacco basically

Travel and Time Shares – no agencies, tour operators, clubs, packages

Not all campaigns can offer tax deductions. Contributions are only tax-deductible if the campaign is fiscally sponsored by a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. We recommend that you contact the project owner directly to find out if the project is eligible for providing tax receipts. Any tax receipts would come directly from the nonprofit organization, not RaiseVolume.

If you have any questions in regards to whether or not your project may violate our guidelines, please contact us at info@raisevolume.com.